Surrendering It ALL
The Lord calls us to honor our father and mother! He was so serious, he included that in the 10 Commandments! Number 5, to be exact! He also calls us to forgive! Guess that goes double when it comes to your parents! After much prayer, thought and just "resting", okay, and maybe an hour & half nap after work, I've decided to stop fighting and start SURRENDERING! So, from today forth, I shall:
Close My Eyes
Close My EarsAnd Listen With My Heart
Hear Him Speak Into MeThe Words Hes Given
He Says To MeTo Surrender All The PainI'm Feeling ButDon't Run AwayDon't Run Away
I'm Here For YouWith All My LoveArms Opened UpDon't Run AwayDon't Run Away
1 comment:
I love your blog and it tickles my heart that you love God with all your heart. This tells me that as a child you may not have like my parenting but the Lord has answered my constant prayers for you even as a baby that you come to know and love Him. I have known you were called to missions there was never any questions as to where.
It is a joy and honor to have you as beatiful daughter. You now have to depend on the Lord for wisdom as a mom with 5 kids(boy are you brave)as I had to do with my 2kids. We can't be good moms and daughters if we do not Surrender all to the Lord. Our lives don't belong to us they are HIS as are our husbands and children.
We all have issues with our parents and how they raised us.We must like you say Surrender All to Him. I did a lot of things wrong as a mom and you will too. He washes away those things away because He is looking for healed holy reltionships.
But when I look at my beautiful daughter a strong christian young woman who seeks God with all her heart I think I didn't do such a horrible terrible job by the grace of God you heard His call and answered it. It thrills me to know that when I die I know without question I will see you again! What more could a mom want than to be with her children for all Eternity. That is real Joy! That joy is mine. I am very proud of you and I love you very much.
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