So, today, I wake up! Thank you Jesus!
I continue on, bathing and dressing and so on...put ponytails in the three girls hair, request the oldest brush his hair AGAIN, make sure I have everything packed, grab a change of clothes for the youngest, look for my lunch (Oh, there it is, My husband put it by the door for me...Great!), make sure the kids have matching shoes on...and they fit...(believe it or not, all three girls will try to the leave the house in either shoes that are too small, too big or are different colors) and usher everyone out the door. Then proceed to drop everyone off at their appropriate designations. Now, what I'm not flavoring the story with is the amount of chaos that is going on in the background, the children screaming, the snotty noses, the dog scratching a hole in the door, the arguments between the children about what they were going to do when they got home, the WHAT'S FOR DINNER MOM, the pile of towels that are STILL waiting to be folded on the sofa, fighting of who gets in the car first, and so on...this is every mother of 4 kids, right? Am I feeling sorry for myself?
Then I get to work after spending 30 minutes with the 3 year old in her new class room, with her new teacher and new friends and new surrounding, more snotting, more crying, and there are 3, not 1, not 2 but 3 emails from my mother...All having to do with, yet another illness! AAAAAHHHH!
So, I try to make the best of TODAY...It's beautiful outside, The sun's shining, the birds are happy and there are gentlemen walking to work with a spring in their step! I decide to take a quick break right before lunch, run across the street to the bank, simply to deposit money. No big deal. Well, that's what I thought anyway. How could I be wrong? How could a deposit go wrong? Oh, I see, being NEGATIVE over $200 COULD have something to do with it! AND IT DID! WOW!!! REALLY??? How much are JUST fees? So I am officially convinced that the tellers at my bank will personally thank me for providing them with their bonuses this year! I will await the Christmas card that I KNOW will come with all of their signatures purposefully placed inside. I fight the tears! Nothing can be done to help me replace the fees. I fight the tears! Finally, back at work, my husband calls to check on my day! He immediately knew something was wrong! I cry! So much so I had to hang up with him. Then, my friend and co-worker sends me this: Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will
find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
I really needed that! (Thanks Ang!) Of course I cried a little more...
I REALLY am in need of REST! *sigh*
I know and believe that through our trials, we will see rainbows! It's just sludging through it all to get there!
Thank You LORD for holding my hand. Thank YOU for providing my friends the exact words I need to hear! Hold me in Your Strong Arms! Help me to walk in Your ways, to not be bitter (at the bank people because it probably was my fault), to be patient, to be loving no matter what, to be understanding (that my children are just that...children), to serve YOU as you have commanded me to do!
I continue on, bathing and dressing and so on...put ponytails in the three girls hair, request the oldest brush his hair AGAIN, make sure I have everything packed, grab a change of clothes for the youngest, look for my lunch (Oh, there it is, My husband put it by the door for me...Great!), make sure the kids have matching shoes on...and they fit...(believe it or not, all three girls will try to the leave the house in either shoes that are too small, too big or are different colors) and usher everyone out the door. Then proceed to drop everyone off at their appropriate designations. Now, what I'm not flavoring the story with is the amount of chaos that is going on in the background, the children screaming, the snotty noses, the dog scratching a hole in the door, the arguments between the children about what they were going to do when they got home, the WHAT'S FOR DINNER MOM, the pile of towels that are STILL waiting to be folded on the sofa, fighting of who gets in the car first, and so on...this is every mother of 4 kids, right? Am I feeling sorry for myself?
Then I get to work after spending 30 minutes with the 3 year old in her new class room, with her new teacher and new friends and new surrounding, more snotting, more crying, and there are 3, not 1, not 2 but 3 emails from my mother...All having to do with, yet another illness! AAAAAHHHH!
So, I try to make the best of TODAY...It's beautiful outside, The sun's shining, the birds are happy and there are gentlemen walking to work with a spring in their step! I decide to take a quick break right before lunch, run across the street to the bank, simply to deposit money. No big deal. Well, that's what I thought anyway. How could I be wrong? How could a deposit go wrong? Oh, I see, being NEGATIVE over $200 COULD have something to do with it! AND IT DID! WOW!!! REALLY??? How much are JUST fees? So I am officially convinced that the tellers at my bank will personally thank me for providing them with their bonuses this year! I will await the Christmas card that I KNOW will come with all of their signatures purposefully placed inside. I fight the tears! Nothing can be done to help me replace the fees. I fight the tears! Finally, back at work, my husband calls to check on my day! He immediately knew something was wrong! I cry! So much so I had to hang up with him. Then, my friend and co-worker sends me this: Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will

I really needed that! (Thanks Ang!) Of course I cried a little more...
I REALLY am in need of REST! *sigh*
I know and believe that through our trials, we will see rainbows! It's just sludging through it all to get there!
Thank You LORD for holding my hand. Thank YOU for providing my friends the exact words I need to hear! Hold me in Your Strong Arms! Help me to walk in Your ways, to not be bitter (at the bank people because it probably was my fault), to be patient, to be loving no matter what, to be understanding (that my children are just that...children), to serve YOU as you have commanded me to do!
I Love you baby and I will always be
here to support you
no matter what
I never know you felt like this
I learned a lot from this reading
Having trouble slleping tonight - a lot on my mind... thought I would go back and read your blog - start to finish - and it truly blessed me. I think I am gonna go pray for you - for peace. Thanks for putting your feelings in writing. I relate in so many ways. God Bless,
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