Wednesday, February 6, 2013

True Christianity is this...

Lately I have been convicted of how I treat people. In this, I am learning that everyone needs LOVE, right where they are. Without judgement! Isn't that what Jesus did? Didn't He go to the sick, to the lame, to the blind, to the woman at well, to the sinner - didn't He see all their needs immediately? Didn't He give them hope, right where they were? Through rolling peppers, didn't Jesus meet my husband right where he was in Wal-Mart produce isle? Didn't Jesus come for me, right where I was? Right there with a hangover, right there dancing the night away in a club, right there in my brokenness, my anger, my hurt, my rage -- right there when I had my back to Him? 

We are all sinners - Jesus came for us. Jesus came for ME, for YOU, for US!

He came to me...all I had to do was turn around. Turn around to face Him. In doing so, I turned my back to the sin. I cannot continue walking forward in Christ if my eyes are focused on the rear view mirror.

I can totally relate to Paul in so many ways. One of the most profound of statements made by him in the New Testament comes from his letter to Timothy. 

"I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He judged me faithful and appointed me to His service, even though I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a [wo]man of violence. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners---of whom I am the worst."

Paul goes on to say, "But for that very reason I received mercy, so that in me, as the worst of sinners, Jesus Christ might display the utmost patience, making me an example to those who would come to believe in Him for eternal life." 1 Timothy 1:12-13, 15-16

In my conviction, I prayed to receive the full mind of Christ. Not just to know His Word but to wear HIS mind - to think the way He does and to act the way He does. Luckily we don't have to guess how to do this. We have explicit instruction in Philippians. Imitating Christ's humility takes action from us. In order for me to move forward in Him, I so desperately needed to remove all the impurities. For months, I had been praying Psalm 139, "Search me, O Lord, and know my heart,". 

In my personal life, I discovered there was an area of un-forgiveness that needed to be addressed and it needed immediate attention! I won't say with whom or the exact situation but I will say that after MUCH prayer, I moved forward, the Holy Spirit took over, I was able to witness to this unbeliever and healing began. I felt free from a huge dark weight that I had been dragging behind me for years. Philippians 2:3 was my encouragement. It was how I was able to humble myself...because I was COMMANDED to do so! So, out of "humility [I] regard others as better than [my]self." That's HARD! Think about it. How arrogant are you? Do you look at someone and think that by chance you have a better life? They clean your hotel room with a smile, you can't imagine where that smile comes from because they are cleaning YOUR room. That maybe you are more spiritual because you sing louder, raise your hands, pray more in public. Maybe the Lord has shown you more favor because you give more in the offering plate than the unwed-single-mom next to you in the pew. Maybe during a social gathering you walk with your head held high because you are wearing exactly what everyone else isn't. Or maybe it's purely internal. You don't behave with outward arrogance. Maybe in your mind you judge according to a person's past life, current situation or even what church they do (or do not) attend.   

When you and I humble ourselves and begin to look at one another as being better than ourselves, things change! You change! I have changed! The world can change!

Jesus was GOD and He came to meet YOU, ME, the Gentiles, the Jews, the Samaritans, the WORLD right here, where we are! In our brokenness, in our distress, in our joy, in our sufferings, in our sin, in our shame, in our depression, in our darkness. He "emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness, and being found in human form, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death---even death on a cross." Philippians 2:7-8

I know that the Lord has a calling on my life. I have a passion that burns deep for Africa. I understand (as it continues to be revealed) that one day, I will serve as His hands and His feet in this beautiful land. I am growing in Spirit and in His truth every day. I pray you are too. From the depths of my soul I never want to grow stagnate in my faith. I want to rejoice, even in my sufferings "because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." Romans 5:3-5

Most of all, I want to insure that I always have on Jesus' brain, His mind, His likeness. I want to be just like Him in all my ways. I want to cast my crowns at His thrown, bow down and simply worship. Commending my life to His hands. I vow to look up when I'm feeling down, to remember the sacrifice that was made for a sinner like me and to condone the person, condemn the sin and not the other way around! Because I am absolutely no better than you, my sister or brother!

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